Add-KDSRootKey fails with "Request not supported" error

I'm trying to create a group Managed Service Account (gmsa) on a newly installed Win2012 DC (first computer on domain). Creating the gMSA requires you to first create a KDS Root Key. I launch the Active Directory Module for Windows Powershell using Run as Administrator and issue the following:

Add-KDSRootKey -EffectiveTime ((get-date).addhours(-11))

I get an error "The request is not supported". If I change it to -EffectiveImmediately, I get the same error.

Add-KDSRootKey : The request is not supported. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070032)... Exception from HRESULT: Microsoft.KeyDistributionService.Cmdlets.AddKDSRootKeyCommand

The KDS cmdlets are installed (I can query/use with get-help KDS) and I can use them to list keys (empty) and view configuration - I just can't seem to add a KDS root key. When I look in my AD Sites and Services at the Services\Root Key, it's empty. I've struggled with this for two days now - any suggestions?

October 2nd, 2013 2:37pm

This would be best asked in the PKI forum.  I will move there.
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October 2nd, 2013 3:11pm

This would be best asked in the PKI forum.  I will m
October 2nd, 2013 7:49pm

Please can you confirm that the user that your using is a member of "Domain Admins".

I had the same issue (and found this post as a result).  After testing I found that in my case the user I was using was only in the "Administrators" group.  After testing it was the missing Domain Admins group.

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October 3rd, 2013 9:07am

Thanks, everyone.

Yan - I think it's quite premature to propose an "answer" at this point, don't you?

To answer the question, yes I am logged in as a member of the domain admins group (I've tried two accounts that were both domain admins).

A further update - I rebooted and noticed an odd behavior: on the first execution of Add-KDSRootKey, I get a different error:

Add-KDSRootKey : Could not load file or assembly Microsoft.KeyDistributionService.Cmdlets

You can see in the screenshot that I'm (a) using AD Powershell, and (b) the KDS module is successfully loaded. Once I run the command a second time (after a reboot), I then receive the "Request is not supported" error.

October 3rd, 2013 11:49am

Paul (A.) is (as usual) correct. This is a DS related topic...

Post the output of

Have you tried actually loading the corresponding module explicitly (Import-Module)? What happens when you run it?


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October 3rd, 2013 12:55pm

Thanks, Marcin.

Get-Module shows only ActiveDirectory and Powershell Management loaded.

If I use Import-Module KDS, then run Get-Module, KDS is added. If I then launch Add-KdsRootKey, it fails with the request is not supported:

(FYI - I'm logged in as domain admin)
October 3rd, 2013 3:58pm

Have you tried removing/re-adding RSAT from the DC?

Have you tried installing RSAT on another WS2012 and running it from there?


  • Marked as answer by MrSanFranMan2 Monday, October 07, 2013 2:11 PM
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October 4th, 2013 2:43pm

Sweet! I added the RSAT tools to another non-DC in the domain, logged on as administrator, and bam - got it done. Thanks!

FYI - you can't remove RSAT from a DC (at least, you can't in 2012+).

October 7th, 2013 2:11pm

I've tried everything listed here... And I'm still getting the same error message: The request is not supported. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070032)

I was hoping someone could provide some advice, thanks in advance.

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February 13th, 2014 9:06pm

The forest functional level needs to be Windows Server 2012, apparently... This solved my issue.
February 14th, 2014 12:06am

I was also able to run this from just a regular workstation. Didn't need to do it from a DC.

FYI for anyone finding this question in the future. I was able to resolve it like this:

  • (1) Log on to another non-DC in the domain 
  • (2) Log on as a domain admin 
  • (3) Install/add the RSAT tools (the AD ones in particular)
  • (4) Launch the PowerShell AD tool
  • (5) Run the Add-KDSRootKey from the new machine.

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March 28th, 2014 11:03pm

Was there ever a workable solution to this issue.  I'm having the same issue and I have tried the last solution of using a non-DC Srvr 2012R2 member server with RSAT installed and I still get the same error message.  Funny thing is that the command worked on my Forest Root DC.  I'm trying this on my resource domain.  Any suggestions greatly appreciated

April 8th, 2014 8:39pm

This didn't work for me, but in playing in my DEV domain, it seems you need Enterprise Admin or Domain Admin in the forest root domain for this command to work. I think you could delegate this by changing the acl on the following container: (assuming you use as your domain, change it for your environment).

CN=Master Root Keys,CN=Group Key Distribution Service,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=contoso,DC=com

I would recommend just leveraging an Enterprise Admin account when doing this for your resource domains.

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November 21st, 2014 4:44pm

This didn't work for me, but in playing in my DEV domain, it seems you need Enterprise Admin or Domain Admin in the forest root domain for this command to work. I think you could delegate this by changing the acl on the following container: (assuming you use as your domain, change it for your environment).

CN=Master Root Keys,CN=Group Key Distribution Service,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=contoso,DC=com

I would recommend just leveraging an Enterprise Admin account when doing this for your resource domains.

November 21st, 2014 4:44pm

I had this same issue and fixed it by running Power Shell as administrator.  Yes, I was logged in with Domain Admin but I still needed to select Run As.  Good luck.
  • Proposed as answer by mikerez Thursday, May 07, 2015 8:48 PM
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December 12th, 2014 4:03pm

Yep, right-click Powershell > "Run as Administrator". This resolved the issue for me as well.

May 7th, 2015 8:49pm

You first must be a Domain Admin, then run PowerShell as Admnistrator and retry.
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June 20th, 2015 1:45pm

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